Sandra has worked as a psychologist for over 30 years, and is also a meditation teacher. She has training in providing focused psychological strategies, including CBT, Mindfulness skills training, iRest Yoga Nidra, and Interpersonal therapies. She uses an eclectic approach to meet the unique needs and concerns of individuals:
- Adjustment to periods of transition, or particular difficulties in life, including grief
- Depression, anxiety, PTSD and other mood disorders
- Relationship issues
Part of the process involves assisting individuals to become more aware of their strengths and coping strategies, understand themselves better, and improve strategies to manage emotions, mood, behaviour, lifestyle and interpersonal challenges. Psychological education and skills training is provided based on the latest brain research research. Sandra regularly updates her knowledge and skills with professional development training.
As well as providing Medicare approved focused services, Sandra has a strong interest in the mind-body connection. She has completed training in mindfulness, including Certification training in Integrative Restoration – iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation (2021), as well as Core Transformation and the Wholeness Process. These modalities all espouse a gentle, wholistic, and organic approach.
In her spare time, Sandra enjoys spending time with her husband and family, physical fitness pursuits (currently Gyrotonics, walking and gym), meditation, art and design, including Japanese Brush Painting (Sumi-e), and knitting/crochet.